The Best Ways To Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy
Happy dogs tend to be healthy dogs. This isn’t to say that if your dog develops a medical condition that he or she isn’t happy; problems can still happen at random. Nevertheless, being happy can help your dogs maintain good physical health and can also help them cope with a medical condition. Enriching your dog’s life with as much happiness as you can is fundamental to his or her well-being. Here are four things that you can do to help your dog feel happy and healthy.
- Spend Lots of Quality Time Together
The thing that your dog wants to do more than anything else is hang out with you. When you’ve come home from a long busy day, you may just want to decompress and relax. However, you need to remember that your furry pal has been waiting all day to see you and wants some of your attention. Set aside some time every day for playing, walking, and just plain hanging out. Whatever you want to do when you get home, find a way to do it together. Don’t blow off your best buddy when you start your evening; find a way to include him or her in everything that you can. Sometimes just curling up together while you watch a show or a movie will fill his or her heart with content. Your dog’s place is with you, so be sure to always let your dog be with you as much as you can.
- Let Your Dog Sleep With You or Near You
Dogs are pack animals, and part of how they know they’re a valued member of your pack is being allowed to sleep with you. Some people don’t particularly like having their dogs in bed with them, but you should try to give your dog the option of sleeping in his or her own bed near you. This will make your dog feel safe and happy throughout the night, and it will ensure that he or she doesn’t feel excluded from this important pack and family activity.
- Help Your Dog Stay Mobile and Active in the Water
Spending time together in the pool is an awesome summer time activity that your dog will love. It’s especially great for dogs who are getting on in years and are beginning to experience limited mobility. High-impact exercises can be hard on an older dog’s joints, but low impact exercise in the water can help your dog stay mobile and active with minimal discomfort and some added physical benefit. When you’re looking for pool builders near me, you should choose a company that is experienced in providing dog accessible features such as customized ramps or ladders or step-down levels with non-slippery surfaces that provide traction and support. Once you add a pool to your home, you may find that spending time there becomes your dog’s favorite playtime activity.
- Don’t Keep Your Dog in a Cage
Some dog owners have a well-intentioned but misguided notion that their dogs like to be kept in a cage. While crating can help in the early stages of house training, it doesn’t have any practical application beyond that. Many experts agree that crating a dog can be very detrimental to his or her physical and mental well-being. Dogs who are crated can suffer joint-pain, muscle atrophy, and other health problems. In addition, they may suffer from anxiety or depression, and they can become fearful or withdrawn. If you’re concerned that your dog will damage items in your home if not crated, you should address this problem by limiting your dog’s access to items that could easily be damaged, restricting access to certain areas of your home with gates, or training them to not chew on items that aren’t toys.
Your dog loves you more than anything in the world. Being well taken care of will make your dog feel happy and loved, and it will promote a long and joyful life.